Technical Ramblings, page 4

Rants about programming and software in general.

For my more recent blog posts, please head over to my company blog.

Tic Tac Toe Sinatra Sequel

🗓 10 Feb 2016

As iterated in previous posts, I am using Datamapper as the go between for my database and Tic Tac Toe Sinatra web app. For the sake of diversity and learning other ways to manage data in databases, I looked into seeing how easy it would be to switch to Sequel...

Wrapping My Mind Around the Word Wrap Kata

🗓 09 Feb 2016
In: 📁 kata

The gist of the Word Wrap Kata is to create a function that takes in a string and a length of a ‘column’ and returns a formatted string with new lines placed such that that maximum length is not exceeded by the string. So if given ‘hello’ and 3, it...

A Concise Collection of Software Craftsman Ideals

🗓 05 Feb 2016

I’m a quick reader. The Kindle Word Runner’s max words per minute is not high enough to beat my reading speed. Being the speedy, voracious reader that I am, I’ve already read eleven books about a month into my apprenticeship. Books like Clean Coder, Apprenticeship Patterns, POODR, and The Craftsman....

Datamapper vs ActiveRecord

🗓 03 Feb 2016

Ruby has two major players in the world of dealing with databases. These two are Datamapper and ActiveRecord. ActiveRecord is popular in the world of Rails, and Datamapper is the option of choice in the wonderland of Sinatra, from my general understanding. With Datamapper, everything is pretty self-contained within the...

Roman Numerals Kata

🗓 01 Feb 2016
In: 📁 kata

The Roman Numerals Kata is pretty straight forward. Take an arabic number and convert it into a roman numeral. 4 becomes IV and so on. This is a common programming problem that I have done probably three times already, each in a different language. Python, Java, and C++. And now...

Database, Datamapper, Data Everywhere

🗓 28 Jan 2016

Making an app with Sinatra and Ruby is all well and good, but it is limited by the fact that to use it one has to run it locally. Which means they have to download all the files and use the terminal. Way too much work, in my opinion. A...

Coin Change Kata

🗓 25 Jan 2016

It feels like the more TDD katas I do, the easier they get. The Prime Factors Kata was only difficult the first time around. Subsequent go-throughs were quite simple and I barely made any major mistakes. The Bowling Game was a steeper curve because it was my first. Now the...

Sinatra: Something Like a Prologue

🗓 22 Jan 2016

Web stuff is not really my thing. My understanding of it rests solely with Wordpress, which I am familiar with only as an aggressive user. My knowledge can be classified as a ‘deep puddle.’ What I’m getting is that web apps are like magic to me. Very mystified and illusive...

Another Kata: Prime Factors

🗓 19 Jan 2016
In: 📁 kata

Having drained the Bowling Game Kata of all its life by practicing it constantly as I ought to be, I have moved onto another kata. The kata that I have chosen is the Prime Factors Kata, which performs the calculation of finding the prime factors for a given number. The...

Tic Tac Toe Minmax Algorithm

🗓 15 Jan 2016

In my continual improvement of my Tic Tac Toe game, I was offered the suggestion that I should implement the ‘minmax’ algorithm to make a ‘unbeatable’ Tic Tac Toe AI. The first thing I did was search for pseudo code of it and a basic explanation of what this algorithm...

Reading POODR + Duck Typing

🗓 14 Jan 2016
In: 📁 books

So I read Practical Object Oriented Design in Ruby by Sandi Metz, which I found instructive in many areas and mildly lacking in others. What I really liked in it was how it broke down class design and the theory of it. I was neither a large OOD fan, nor...

Bowling into TDD

🗓 13 Jan 2016
In: 📁 kata

The central topic for this part of my coding journey as a software apprentice is test driven development (TDD), which I am very unfamiliar with. The language of choice for this endeavor is Ruby with rspec, which I am also unfamiliar with. To start off this segment, I learned about...