The gist of the Word Wrap Kata is to create a function that takes in a string and a length of a ‘column’ and returns a formatted string with new lines placed such that that maximum length is not exceeded by the string. So if given ‘hello’ and 3, it...
The Roman Numerals Kata is pretty straight forward. Take an arabic number and convert it into a roman numeral. 4 becomes IV and so on. This is a common programming problem that I have done probably three times already, each in a different language. Python, Java, and C++. And now...
Having drained the Bowling Game Kata of all its life by practicing it constantly as I ought to be, I have moved onto another kata. The kata that I have chosen is the Prime Factors Kata, which performs the calculation of finding the prime factors for a given number. The...
The central topic for this part of my coding journey as a software apprentice is test driven development (TDD), which I am very unfamiliar with. The language of choice for this endeavor is Ruby with rspec, which I am also unfamiliar with. To start off this segment, I learned about...