This post may apply to you if you want to reduce infrastructure expenses. Though, I bet everyone identifies with that. But how about this: you’re paying for a marketing website/some CMS server, and you are not actively doing anything with it (and really don’t plan to). You should be thinking...
Serverless is a borderline buzzword nowadays. Serverless websites! Serverless APIs! Serverless…everything! And now serverless databases. Amazon Web Services has their own serverless database offering, which is semi-new, semi-old, depending on the “compatibility version.” This is how you have to use Amazon Aurora, AWS’s database engine, which has both MySQL and...
If you need to make a marketing website for your business, aside from the branding and design aspect, your main concerns are probably: Will the site be fast and responsive for my potential clients/customers? How much will the site cost to make and maintain? Site speed and reliability is huge...
So. You’re migrating to the cloud. Simple, right? Everything is basically the same. You’ve got a server with an operating system of your choice. Nothing’s really different. Just launch an EC2 instance on AWS, do everything you’ve always done, and boom. Done. You’re certifiably in the cloud. Yeah. No. That’s...
Imagine this: You’re moving an application from a shared server to a cloud system. This application has a massive folder of files saved onto the server that is growing constantly. When you get to it, it is about thirty-five gigabytes. You could just move the application to a single server...
Ansible is a fantastic way to orchestrate deployments that aren’t exactly trivial. In a complex deployment, there are dozens of players and they all need to act at a specific moment. It is no wonder then that Ansible calls the deployment scripts playbooks. It makes it sound so artistic. You...