Minimax Redux

Fixing the TTT AI (again) and getting somewhere final

Minimax is one of those things that is always going to haunt me. I’ve done it multiple times and when I think I got it I realize I messed up and it isn’t as good as it needs to be–it fails in some edge case that I did not think of.

Though, this time, this time I think I’ve got it down (with 99.99repeating certainty).

For this attempt at Minimax, I broke up the functions into pieces and used hash-maps to make everything more readable, which was a problem as I got confused as to whether I was on the max or min side of things. By breaking all these junctions into functions and names with clearly defined paths, I could trace it easier and test it throughout the process. I took inspiration from a variety of different people’s minimax codes and pseudo-codes I researched throughout the process to figure out the optimal way of doing Minimax. Together, mixed all together with my own changes and tweaks, I am certain as I can be that I’ve arrived at the correct solution.

Here is my (current) code (rest here):

(defn get-available-locations [board]
  (vec (filter number? board)))

(defn player-markers [ai-marker opponent-marker]
  {:ai ai-marker :opponent opponent-marker})

(defn get-score [board player-markers depth]
  (let [winning-player (gf/game-is-won board)]
  (cond (= winning-player (:ai player-markers)) (- 100 depth)
        (= winning-player (:opponent player-markers)) (- depth 100)
        (gf/game-is-tied board) 0)))

(defn apply-max-or-min [minimax-map player-markers current-player-marker]
  (if (= current-player-marker (:ai player-markers))
      (apply max minimax-map)
      (apply min minimax-map)))

(defn get-next-player [player-markers current-player-marker]
  (if (= current-player-marker (:ai player-markers))
      (:opponent player-markers)
      (:ai player-markers)))

(defn minimax [board player-markers current-player-marker depth]
  (if (gf/game-is-won-or-tied board)
    (get-score board player-markers depth)
    (let [next-player (get-next-player player-markers current-player-marker)]
      (apply-max-or-min (map #(minimax (gf/mark-board-location board % current-player-marker)
                                              player-markers next-player (inc depth))
                              (get-available-locations board))
        player-markers current-player-marker))))

(defn scores-for-available-locations [board player-markers]
  (pmap #(minimax (gf/mark-board-location board % (:ai player-markers)) player-markers (:opponent player-markers) 1)
            (get-available-locations board)))

(defn assign-scores-to-available-location [board player-markers]
  (zipmap (get-available-locations board) (scores-for-available-locations board player-markers)))

(defn get-best-move [moves-and-scores]
  (key (apply max-key val moves-and-scores)))

(defn best-move [board ai-marker opponent-marker]
  (get-best-move (assign-scores-to-available-location board (player-markers ai-marker opponent-marker))))

How do I know this works? I don’t

I know this because I added a mass plethora of tests on the smaller functions I could effectively test. For the best-move function, the function that wraps it all together and spits out the move we really want to know works, I tested all the critical board permutations I could think of, from winning to blocking to general intelligent moves for the first turn or two, which I had been neglecting in previous iterations of the tests for it. Basically analyzing it being intelligent in the beginning and selecting win/block moves in a given scenario. Then I played it many times, because my ability to think up edge-cases in tic tac toe is sorely lacking. I tried out all the cases it had failed on in the past and it actually worked this time. And I lost many times and tied even more. The tests from the previous iterations that failed passed. All together, created my certainty.

It works. I feel decent.